NGO Funding Request Proposal Template

Non-profit organizations use funding proposals to request funds. They usually initiate a project that they need to solicit funds for and then present the case of that project compellingly. Every funding proposal is different depending on the nature of the project, the objectives of the project, and much more.

The proposal used to ask for funds is the best way to collect funds because it is more focused on the objectives of the project than any other document. In addition, funding proposals are always created with the perspective of project success in mind. At the end of the life cycle of the project, every team tries to ensure that all the objectives specified in the donation proposal have been met.

The funding proposal also allows the NGO to come up with the facts and details that the reader needs to read about them. They get an opportunity to convince the reader into donating funds to their non-profit organization.

Many social work organizations work for unprivileged people. All of them need funds to work and therefore, they keep targeting affluent people in society by writing proposals. Their main objective is always to convince the reader and make him believe that they can work for a good cause in a better way than other organizations. In this way, an engaging proposal can help them get the attention of the reader.

A proposal of donation is usually written by NGOs when they are searching for donors. NGOs usually start a project and then they need money to complete it. For this purpose, they write a proposal and tell the reader about their need for funds.

A proposal is required to be drafted in a well-formulated way so that it can convey the right details to the targeted people. The information that must be included in the funding proposal is:

Title page:

The title of the proposal plays the same role as it does for a book or any other written content. The title should be such that it can capture the true essence of the proposal and can describe the entire proposal in a single sentence or a few words. The title page also includes the date of the issuance of the proposal, the name of the organization, and a few more details.

Executive summary:

This part of the proposal talks about the NGO asking for funds. In this area, you should address the problem, the need for funds, the impact of funds, the time period required to complete the project, and much more. Make sure that the summary does not exceed the limit of 300 words.

Table of content:

This page includes the names of all the major headings and page numbers. This page should make it easy for the reader to locate the information he wants to read.

Budgeting information:

Since your main objective is to ask for funds, you should give clear details of the money you require. In this part, you should come up with a summary of the budget you have to set to complete the project. This will give a clear idea to the reader as to how much he is expected to donate. Break down this section into various items of budget and at the end, give total budget information.


This part of the proposal must include the technical details of the project that the NGO has initiated and soliciting funds for. The timetable of the project, budget details, financial statements, and all other details must be specified here that can be useful for the reader to know more about the project.

Since there is so much to add to the appendices section, some people end up writing a long appendices section which is never recommended. Even if you have a lot to share in this section, you should learn to keep it brief and to the point.


This is the last part where you add references that you have used throughout the proposal.
