Software Development Proposal Sample

A Software Development proposal is written to propose a project and give possible projections on the methodology and development of the project in multiple directions covering its various aspects while keeping one desired focal point.

A proposal involves an extensive introduction of the company, methodology of the project initiation and implementation, theoretical outline of the project, introduction to the team who will implement the project management, the possible outcomes of the project, and the possible conclusions.

A software development proposal is a proposal that involves conceptualization and specification, designing and programming, testing and documenting the creation and maintenance of programs, and applications, and fixing the bugs. It includes maintaining the source code of the program for software development.

Structure of a Software Development Proposal

A software development proposal follows the following structure:

Introduction of the Company:

The writing party of the proposal needs to draft a complete and extensive introduction of the company which must include the establishment of the company, its area of work, and the major projects accomplished. Keep in mind that the introduction must be genuine and error-free as it is the very first thing that would be noticed and read by the other party.

Project Introduction:

Then comes the introduction of the project that must be free of complex terms, simple in vocabulary, easy to read, and comprehensive. All the subtle details and irrelevant data must be excluded. One should keep in mind that the bid depends majorly on the drafting of the proposal. It should include what the project is about and how it is important.


The methodology of the project related to software development must be prescribed. It means to say that the draft must induce the methodologies to carry out the project of software development. That must reiterate the manifestation of the software, structuring, planning, and controlling the procedures of developing information systems and software codes according to the identified needs and desired outcomes.

Implementation and the Cost Evaluation:

One of the most important points is adding implementing techniques by restoring the factors that can affect methodology. Along with implementing techniques, there should be a complete view of cost evaluations and budgets. For the task, the company must keep accounts and auditing inclusions in the proposal that should be genuine and practically doable. Some companies opt for adding the cost details later on-demand.

Introduction to the Team Structure:

Then comes adding short details on the team structure of the project management. Software development is a tiresome and time-consuming task that takes a lot of team members to the table. A brief introduction to the team can give a better look at your proposal making it a composite whole.

Possible Outcomes and Conclusions:

A brief and comprehensive outcome should be drafted in the end. It should include the possible generalized evaluations but not rigid ones as they are likely to be alternated in the end.

Software Development Proposal templates are available online and can be used with a few alterations. It serves as a structural model as well. 


Software development proposal template
Software development proposal template
