Soap Manufacturer Business Proposal

I have been associated with the soap manufacturing company for 11 years. I joined this company as an assistant when it started its process of soap production. I have witnessed all the highs and lows of this business and struggled to keep the company afloat. Due to hard work and passion, this company saw the heights of glory and helped in the promotion to a manager leading a team of 7 competent members.

I have been associated with many departments and gained the basic knowledge of almost every department. Currently, the job description of my department is to research and analyze different samples of soaps that are manufactured in the company to ensure their consistency. We also research the formation of different kinds of soap that can affect their sales.

During the research, I came across unique ideas to make the process of soap production, fun and enjoyable. These soaps can be made in different forms and colors to make them attractive and increase their purchase. Thus, I got an idea to set up my own business of soap manufacturing and try all the unique ideas that intrigue me.

With 11 years of service, I have enough experience to run this new setup and make my own mark in the soap industry. All these start-ups are approved by the XYZ department before they are started therefore, I seek your approval. I have designed a business proposal for my venture and attached the following letter. Kindly consider my request.

Eagerly waiting for your response.


[Your Name]
Manager at Soap Manufacturing company


Soaps are manufactured from naturally found vegetable oils and animal fats. The fats are oils and composed of various components such as esters of alcohol and carboxylic acid. The use of soaps dates back to Romans around 600 B.C. During that time, soap was made from wood ash and goat’s tallow and was used as medicine. It is now being used as a cleaner or a perfume as it removes dust particles and provides clearer skin.

In the 12th century, soap manufacturers of England had to pay high taxes for soap production thus, it was treated as a luxury item. Later, the tax condition was eliminated, and it was then formed by boiling a solution of wood ash and animal fat. During boiling, foam appears on the solution, which upon collection hardens into a soap.

The soap industry is an industry that will never face recession due to its application for basic needs. Soaps are used for washing and clearing skin from dust or other materials such as oil, sweat, etc. It is used worldwide with different names and brands but the basic raw material of soap manufacturing remains the same. Differences among different brands occur due to the use of fragrance or essential oils that give it a perfume feeling.

Currently, the soaps industry has revolutionized by adding fun and colors to them. The Foundation of soaps remains the same but different dyes are added to give it a pop vibe. These dyes are mixed with a liquid soap base and then added to a mould of choice. Upon hardening, soaps are removed from the mould and packaged for shopping. Different colors of dyes can also be used for making one soap. Half fill the mould by adding one dye, allow it to cool, and then add a second dye mixed with a melted base. Upon cooling, it gives the product two dyes.

Similarly, a number of dyes can be used for manufacturing. A variety of moulds are available for soap making process, the choice of mould largely depends on the consumers. Some of the moulds found can be apples, hands, strawberries, etc.


Soap is manufactured through an elaborate process that requires several steps of boiling and salting. The major raw material used for soap production includes fatty acids and alkali. Alkali is sodium hydroxide, which is boiled with fatty acids and oils, esters are hydrolyzed to form the sodium salt of carboxylic acid and alcohol. The process of manufacturing soaps is known as saponification and the resulting sodium salts are soaps.


Building a business from scratch is not an easy task. I am experienced in all the tasks related to the manufacturing, packaging, and shipping of soaps but setting up the plant for it, is a very difficult task. It can only be completed by dividing it into the following small, manageable objectives,

  • Renting a suitable place for setting up the manufacturing plant.
  • Purchasing all the equipment and chemicals related to manufacture.
  • Ordering high-quality raw materials and other essentials.
  • Setting up an office space to personally deal with distributors and clients.
  • Buying furniture and other decor items to furnish
  • Ordering moulds and dyes from a suitable vendor to accomplish the task.
  • Hiring employees to work in the departments of cleaning, management, administration, distribution, marketing, and manufacturing.

Keys to success

There are no hard and fast rules to achieve success. It is a slow, continuous process that leads to a worthy destination. Some of the key points that can be followed for being successful includes,

  • Using high-quality raw materials for the manufacturing process.
  • Providing good quality products to the customers to gain their loyalty.
  • Using effective management and marketing techniques.
  • Keeping views of customers before you and make accordingly.


Every task or business requires a specific skill set for it to work. Some people are naturally equipped with these skills while others have to learn. Following skills can be very useful,

  • Communication skills are crucial as they help in communication with clients and distributors and allow you to understand their requirements.
  • Management background allows you to manage your team in an effective manner and balance workload.
  • Financial knowledge is very important as it keeps you updated about all the financials of the plant and allows you to not depend on anyone.


Soap Manufacturer Business Proposal Template
