Chemical Laboratory Business Proposal

It is stated that I, Peter Noah, have been a laboratory attendant at ABC University for the last 18 years. I started my journey as a vendor of different chemicals for various institutions and later I was hired by the University as a lab attendant. My knowledge regarding chemicals and their usage highly contributed to landing this job. After my retirement I have decided to set up a business of chemical laboratory, this laboratory will not be under any institute and I will be its sole owner.

It is important to register businesses related to chemicals with the XYZ department therefore, I seek your approval. Working with chemicals is very hazardous and many precautions are followed to maintain a harmless environment. My expertise and experience in the following field have made me aware of all the necessary risk factors and precautions. I will lead a team of people who would be able to take care of every chemical and know its basic properties.

I have formulated a complete proposal for my business setup and attached the following letter. Kindly consider my request because I am fully aware of the pros and cons of the field and can guide people about them.

Eagerly waiting for your response.


Peter Noah

Laboratory attendant

Contact [X]


Chemical laboratories are places that contain a variety of chemicals and other materials. Laboratories are equipped with different chemicals as well as reagents and glassware. It is a one-stop-shop for all researchers working with chemicals and other instruments that are used on regular basis in a laboratory.

All the chemicals in the laboratory will be available in concentrated form. Glassware will be purchased from credible companies and instruments will be error-free to ensure exact measurements taken from them. All the equipment and other materials will be available for purchase by different institutes. My chemical laboratory will work as a middleman between buyers and companies manufacturing products.


To set up a huge business is a very difficult task. This task will be completed in some short achievable steps,

  • Deciding the name and policy of the laboratory.
  • Taking enough precautions to ensure the storage of chemicals and other materials.
  • Purchasing chemicals and equipment from different manufacturers.
  • Making an inventory of everything.
  • Designing a request form for buyers.
  • Setting up the procedure of sending items to the buyer.
  • Packaging and storage of the materials.


There are various categories in which materials will be available for purchase. Some of these categories include,

  1. Chemicals
Acetic acid Hydrochloric acid Chloroform
Alcohol Sulphuric acid Nitric acid


  1. Glassware
Flasks 500ml Test tubes
Round bottom flask Glass Jars with caps 500 ml
Pipettes Flat bottom flask
Graduated cylinders Beaker 500 ml
Petri dishes Spreader


  1. Materials
Nutrient agar Spatula
Nutrient broth Baskets


Agar Aluminum foil
Eppendorf Stopwatch
Pipettes Cling wrap
Thermometer Distilled water
Antibiotic discs FBS
SDA media


Keys to success

Taking a business from scratch to the heights of success is not an easy task as it requires concentration and determination. The following key points are very useful in making this business a huge success:

  • Always provide authentic products to the customers
  • Take customers seriously and value their feedback.
  • Make sure that everything is available for the customers.
  • Do not sell damaged or error-prone equipment to customers.

Action plan

Workings of the laboratory business will proceed in the following manner:

  • Major customers of laboratories are supervisors conducting research, MS, or Ph.D. students at any institutes. All these researchers require materials and other equipment to work.
  • Each institute will be contacted and provided information about my laboratory and its products so that they can order from us.
  • A specially designed request form will be filled by the researcher or any student for purchasing any chemical or equipment.
  • All the request forms will be sent officially through the administration of the institution.
  • At the laboratory, the order will be packaged and sent to the buyer within the due date.
  • Completion of the order will be confirmed by the buyer through email.
  • Buyers will also be asked to provide feedback through email.
  • The request for imported chemicals and materials will be completed on demand within 1 month.
  • Orders will be taken from 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday.
  • Once the request form is submitted to the laboratory, it will not be canceled.

Safety Precautions

Work at chemical laboratories is very difficult as it requires much precision and concentration. If the worker not attentive, it may result in an incident or injury. Following precautions should be taken seriously,

  • Label each chemical with broad letters to let everyone know about the contents of the container.
  • Use color codes to present the severity of chemicals. For instance, red color for dangerous chemicals
  • Handle glassware with utmost care as they are very fragile.
  • Make sure pipettes are error-free to ensure exact measurements.
  • Keep all chemicals at a specific place to avoid clutter.
  • Never put round bottom flasks on a tabletop
  • Label solutions so that they can be used again.
  • Wipe each tabletop with 70% ethanol to decontaminate working space.
  • Never indulge in other work as it causes distraction.
  • Read the request form carefully to avoid mistakes.


Every setup requires money at each step of the way until it starts working and becomes successful.

  • Rental building
  • Online assistance
  • Chemicals
  • Equipment
  • Stationery
  • Utilities
  • Computer setup
  • Delivery bikes/ cars

Marketing strategies

Good marketing strategies are very crucial for the success of the business as they ensure that every potential customer knows about the business. Some of the strategies that can be used include.

  • Emails: Emails are used for official or professional purposes and almost every researcher prefers this mode of conversation due to its ease. Emails can be forwarded to all the potential researchers about the contents of our laboratory so that they can order.
  • Website: The website provides the medium to showcase each product at one time and make buying easier.


Chemical Laboratory Business Proposal

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