Employee Training Proposal Letter

An organization’s aim is to maximize strength and minimize weaknesses. For this purpose, it looks toward better plans and procedures. The set target and goals need to be achieved in time. The organization must also focus on giving a strong cooperative and communicative environment to all its employees. The employees must also have freedom of speaking power.

The workplace always approaches to strive for excellence. This can be done by focusing on different tools and tactics. It must focus on the tool of efficiency and effectiveness. The latest technology trend must be known. The latest product and services trend must be known. The recent market fluctuation and market growth trends must be looked for.

Above all, the organization needs the employees to be professional and skilled to achieve all the above-mentioned goals and objectives. While hiring employees, the organization always looks for experience and skills. But, there is room for fresh graduates in almost all companies and organizations. Once graduates and postgraduates start getting job opportunities, then they can modify and show their unique skills.

The organization focuses on giving different training sessions and programs for all employees. It improves the skills and techniques of the employees. It helps in building efficiency. It helps a lot in increasing knowledge. It also focuses on becoming competitive in the market. The employee training proposal must be containing the reasons for it and a summary of all the sessions to attend. It also gives a brief of covering the relevant areas of interest.

If you get to choose between a trained and an untrained employee, it is clear that your choice will be the trained employee. Being unqualified and underqualified are two different things. An employee can be qualified by degree but can be under-qualified due to a change in technological advancements. New skills come at a cost. Cost of time and money. Due to this spending, some employees might not keep them up to date with the new technologies.

Detailed Proposal Template

To:      Jeffery Charles
ABC Market Research Company
New York City, NY

From:   Mark Jobs
New York City, NY

Date:   26th October 2019

Dear Mr. Charles,

Thank you for your interest in XYZ. After yesterday’s meeting, I have put together this proposal for the upcoming training session with ABC employees. We are excited to be a part of this event and we will make sure that this Leadership Development Training is a great success. Please have a look at the proposal and let me know if you have any questions. If you wish to add something to it, let me know. I will send you the signing contract, once we have reached an agreement.

Thank you,

Mark Jobs

ABC Employees Leadership Development Training Proposal

Executive Summary

The success of a business in today’s competitive world requires top talent and the right skills at the right place and time. We, at XYZ, have the resources and expertise to provide you different plans and training sessions to improve the performance of your existing employees. We offer great Leadership Training and Development programs so the company employees can enhance their knowledge and skills. We offer customized training solutions to thousands of individuals at various firms, companies, and organizations, large and small.


XYZ helps corporations and organizations improve their workplaces by providing them the following support services and trainings:

  • Computer Service Training
  • HR Support Service
  • Professional Development
  • Leadership Development Training
  • Technical Training
  • Legal Services


The main purpose of Leadership Development Training is to offer exercises and tools to Executives and Managers of the company so that they become competent to lead and manage the fellow employees effectively. These training sessions enhance the skills of trainees at various levels of their jobs and improves their critical skills- vision processing.

Training program Summary

Company Name: ABC Market Research Company

Training Program: Leadership Development Training

Time: The Team Development program will run from 1st December till 3rd December.

Venue: Manhattan Conference Room

Training Program Components

Our Leadership Development Training program provides and improves the understanding of how human actions and behavior affect the working and functionality of a corporation. This program covers all aspects of organizational leadership. The training improves focus, communication and the ability to inspire and motivate.

Our Training consists of the following components:

Team-building Exercises

The objective is to achieve effective workgroups and to be able to express their goals and targets. The participants should be able to identify the hitches and problems associated with the creation of teamwork and they should be able to manage complex and difficult projects and situations. This session will include brainstorming and impromptu activities.

Audio/Visual Training

We will conduct training through videos, films, audios, and simulations. The main idea is to enhance and broaden their exposure.

Case Studies

Employees will be provided with real-world cases and reports, similar to their work, to analyze. This use of real-life situations offers a practical learning experience.


We believe in a hands-on approach in our training sessions. Our staff is talented, experienced and professional and they go the extra mile to facilitate their clients. We offer our participants an interactive and facilitative approach to training session courses. Our training tools are thought-provoking, challenging and informative.


We believe in roundtable seating arrangements because it allows a more interactive and effective discussion session.

Number of Trainees:

We offer a session of 20-25 individuals per session because we think it is best for effective learning.


This training session is for the Executives, Managers and HR team. This training will be more helpful for employees of having experience of more than 5 years.

Tentative Engagement Timeline

Following is the tentative timeline of the training session:

Events Description Time
Registration The participants will arrive and register 9:00 am - 9: 30 am
Opening remarks The director of XYZ will give the opening remarks 9:45 am - 10:00 am
Introduction Participants will introduce themselves to each other 10:00 am - 10:15 am
Break A small tea break will be held 10:15 am - 10:45 am
Training lectures Interactive lectures providing useful information 10:45 am - 1:00 pm
Break A lunch break will be held 1:00 am - 2:00 am
Training exercises An interactive session of the training 2:00 am - 4:00 am
Keynote speech A final speech about leadership 4:00 am - 4:15 am



The details of the cost are provided below:

Items Cost /session
On-site engagement session $5,000
Group meeting $5,000
Leadership Development training course $10,000
Coordinator $2,000
Facilities $2,000
Total $24,000



We have attached a copy of our business license that allows us to provide employee training within the state.


  • We will try to use as much as possible a hands-on training approach.
  • Quizzing and testing will be part of the training to determine whether the goals of training have been achieved. The specific training goals will be set by the top management, aligned with the ABC Company’s objectives.

Contact Us

You can contact us with any of the following ways:

Phone: 131-1111333
Fax: 451 422114
E-mail: [Email]
Website: [Website]


Employee Training Proposal

File Size: 89 KB


A Short Sample Proposal

Company Name: [Name Here]

Address of the company: [Address, City ST, Zip Code]

Name of training proposal: IT development

Training proposal date: [DATE]

Training proposal prepared by [Name Here]

The proposal approved by [Name Here]

Purpose of the proposal: the main purpose of this proposal is to train employees in the advancements in the field of IT. This will help the employees to solve any IT related issues without being dependent on the IT team.

Details of the training program:

  • This training program will run from 1st June till 30 June.
  • The training will be conducted in two batches. The first batch is for the executives and the second batch is for the non-executive staff.
  • Upon the completion of the program, a brief quiz will be conducted to test the understanding of the participants.
  • Participants scoring more than 80% will be given the program attendance certificates.

Estimate cost of the program: $1,000.

Employee training proposal template


Proposal File Format: MS Word

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