Martial Art School Business Proposal

It is stated that I am a respectful resident of XYZ society for 11 years. I have spent a great time in this society and made many family friends by participating in all the events organized by the society for its residents. I have been associated with the ministry of sports for 15 years and working on different avenues regarding the betterment of sports in our country. XYZ society has provided with all necessities within the society so we don’t have to worry about commute regarding office or kid’s school. From the supermarket to cinema halls, everything is present. I want to draw your attention towards one of the most neglected domains in the world i.e., martial arts. It has been not given the attention that it deserves but recently martial arts have been gaining momentum due to the increasing rate of crimes and self-defense is necessary.

I have always liked martial arts and my affiliation with sports ministry is a reason for my interest. I want to build a martial arts school in society to educate youngsters on self-defense and train others. I would like to hire a team of qualified martial arts teachers to aid students and train them in the best manner possible. This would all be possible with your support and I hope that you will encourage such initiative. I have made a proposal for my business plan and attached the letter for your consideration. Kindly consider my suggestion and I would also like to discuss it in detail after you have read it.

Eagerly waiting for your response.


Eric Dane
House # 35, Street # 6, Block C, XYZ society
Contact [X]


Martial art is a traditional, codified system of combats practiced for various purposes such as competition, self-defense, law enforcement applications, entertainment, physical or mental development, or for preserving cultural heritage. Martial arts have gained worldwide importance due above-mentioned reasons. In the United States, Can-Am Taekwondo instructors and school confederation is a North American organization dedicated to the martial arts discipline of taekwondo and oversees 1500 schools of martial arts with 300,000 enrolments. Martial arts learning got preferences and appreciation from the public after the crime index went up and people thought of helping themselves rather than relying on government authorities to help them.

The focus of my business is to provide high-quality disciplines of martial arts to the students in a safe and learning environment so that students of all ages can enjoy it equally. There is no age limit to learn any art especially martial arts as it enrolls students from the age of 3 years and older. A high-ranking instructor will be hired to combine excellent student instructor ratios with state-of-the-art facilities. The instructor will guide students through every step of the way to help them achieve their individual goals and allow them to set new goals. Objectives for the next year of martial arts school are given below:


  • To acquire a nice location within the society and set up the foundation of the martial arts school.
  • Finalize the legalization process with the government and get the school recognized nationally.
  • Decide the name and policies of the school to brand it further.
  • Hiring lead instructor with a full set of qualification and experience along-with other instructors and staff
  • Conducting awareness programs throughout the city to educate parents about the importance of martial arts in one’s life.
  • Arranging meetings with the administration of different schools to share the purpose of our program.
  • Structure a complete admission form for students and start the enrolment process.
  • Finalizing marketing strategies to spread the word through marketing fliers, advertisements, handing out business cards at local malls, shops, and other gathering places.
  • Enrolment of 180-200 members is expected by the end of the following year.
  • Funds gathering from local government, elite class members, and businessmen.

Keys to success

  • Implementation of solid budget and business plan.
  • Making a clean, secure, modern martial arts school and environment.
  • Applying good marketing strategies to recruit more students.
  • Plan on opening multiple branches after successful business in society.


Martial arts do not only prepare people physically but also mentally and spiritually. These classes promote self-respect, discipline, courtesy, loyalty, and perseverance. When students enroll, they will not only be improving their fitness and self-defense but, they will be embarking on a path that will change many aspects of their life.

Here are some of the benefits that can be gained by martial arts:

  • Fitness

The principles of martial arts revolve around the design of the human body. For enhanced power, the body develops the muscles of the torso and the speed of performing techniques comes from the agile movements of arms and legs muscle. With more practice, students can learn to coordinate speed and power resulting in the concentration to focus all their strength at a single point such as the heel of a foot or the edge of a hand.

  • Self-confidence

Self-confidence does not come naturally for many, but it can be developed over time. As students continue to learn martial arts, their confidence increases. Martial arts impart a sense of accomplishment and confidence that affects all aspects of life.

  • Self-defense

Coordination of speed and power developed through martial arts is used in a Self-defence situation against vulnerable parts of the attacker and can save themselves. Techniques in self-defense allow women to use their natural physical strength such as the power of their legs and can take down a much larger opponent. The confidence gained through martial arts can be the only weapon that can rescue you during any situation.


  • Classes will be conducted for 5 days of the week for regular students.
  • These classes will be arranged from 5 pm to 8 pm as many students will join after their academic studies.
  • Special classes will be conducted for students who are working and cannot attend 5 to 8 classes.


Martial Art School Business Proposal
