Proposal Letter to Change Working Hours

The standard daily work hours typically range between 8 to 9 hours per day. This can include prayer and lunch breaks too. It is generally a basic practice to not have weekly hours exceed 48 hours per week. However, depending on the work conditions and business needs, the employees sometimes need to work overtime and put in extra hours. This generally happens when the deadline for a project or an assignment is due or if the staff is short on employees due to unforeseen circumstances.

For a company that works round the clock, for example, emergency numbers, ambulance service or internet service providers, etc., the employees are hired in shifts. Some workers work during the day and some during the night, but the work hours remain the same. Some companies compensate the employees who work overtime with extra money or with some days off at a later time.

Change of work hours.

An employee might not be satisfied or comfortable with his work hours for personal reasons. If he lives far from his office, then the time he leaves home in the morning might be too early.

Moreover, sometimes people work more than one job to make ends meet and their job timings may be overlapping with their other job. For female employees, the reasons for requesting a change of time could simply be because they have very young children who need to be sent to school before she leaves for work.

If you have been working at a company for a certain period of time and are on good terms with your superiors, you can write to them in a respectful manner and explain your circumstances. In most cases, the superiors will consider your request and change your work hours.

The following points should be considered while writing a proposal letter to change work hours.

  • Mention your current work hours and the hours to which you want to change them too.
  • State your reason for the change. Your reason should be valid enough to justify your request for the change of work hours.
  • Mention how the change will be beneficial to you and if this will affect your work in any way or not.
  • Have a respectful and courteous tone while speaking to your superiors. Always remember that the boss would never want to lose a hardworking and dedicated employee. Make sure you are sincere in your work and have a good work record before putting forward any such requests or demands.

Sample Letter

I am writing this letter to request a change in my work hours. My current work time is from 09 00 hours till 17 00 hours, however, I wish to change it to 10 00 hours till 18 00 hours. I am requesting this change because I have two young children who have recently joined the school and their leaving time is 09 00 in the morning. I do not have any domestic help and have to fix their breakfast and lunch myself before I send them to school.

This change in time will allow me to perform my duties towards my children in the morning before I leave for work. I have attached my children’s school schedule with this letter for your reference.

I have worked in the marketing department for 2 years and performed my duties to the best of my abilities. I will work my best to maintain the work standard that is expected of me. I fully recognize the obligations of my work and I can assure you that this change in the work hours will not affect my work performance at all.

I would be happy to arrange a meeting with you if you wish to discuss this with me or need any further information. I am also open to any alternate solutions you can recommend for this.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Proposal Letter to Change Working Hours