Scrapbook Business Proposal

[ABC] is a paper manufacturing company that has made its mark in the paper industry due to the quality they provide. Different types and sizes of paper are manufactured and then transferred to different places for sale. It started the process of production with the white paper for printer use.

A fine quality of paper marked the success of the company and it also started other avenues such as printing papers for different books or notebooks for various schools. These school notebooks are different from plain paper as they include some sort of design on the cover page and on plain pages. These designs include the logo of schools or any other pattern which is approved by the administration of the school.

I joined the company as a designer and provide several designs to clients. After selection from the clients, the approved design makes its way to the cover page.  I chose the designing field due to the spark of creativity which always wants to do something unique.

For seven years, I have also loved the process of paper manufacturing and its transmission but now I want to move on and start something of my own. I have always thought of starting my own business which helps to spread love in the community. Therefore, I came up with the idea of introducing a scrapbook store in the industry as there are no other businesses of this sort.

I will be obliged if you give a read to my proposal.

Patrick Dempsey
Designer at ABC Company


A scrapbook is a form of book or journal for collecting and preserving personal or family history. This information can be collected in the form of photographs, artwork with a background, or any printed media. This process of collection and presentation is known as scrapbooking. Scrapbooks are maintained on daily basis by journal entries or written articles. This idea of scrapbooking has been prevailing for a long and has been used by millions.

The concept of old scrapbooks has now revolutionized and adapted a modern status. It has become an industry that provides means and materials for maintaining and decorating these scrapbooks. There are many outlets devoted to the manufacturing and sale of scrapbook-related supplies. In the digital world, it started by attaching photographs of family memories on creative pages, and later, these pages were inserted into protected sheets which were then placed in binders to hold them firmly.

Scrapbooking is not only a hobby of keeping memories alive rather it is an excellent means for increasing social circle. Scrappers get together and scrapbook at various conventions, stores, and other venues. Nowadays, digital scrapbooking is also very common for people who like technology and spend time on it. Various applications provide the ease of adding digital media such as photographs and prints on a virtual scrapbook. Moreover, the material on a hard copy can be scanned and added likewise.

I want to start my own setup of handmade scrapbooks and their supplies. Hiring a team of creative heads in the direction that I will be following. Handmade scrapbooks provide the effect of extra effort and personal touch. This way, I will be able to use my knowledge of papermaking and creativity to do something productive. In addition to the store, these scrapbooks will also be available online for customers belonging to different countries.


The objectives behind starting the venture are given below,

  • Renting a place for setting up the store and start working.
  • Renovation and restoration to give it an outlook of a store.
  • Purchasing high-quality raw materials for paper making.
  • Buying scrapbook-related supplies and other decorative material for embellishing them.
  • Hiring other designers to complete the collection of scrapbook designs and start the manufacturing process.
  • Setting up the office space for taking care of official matters.
  • Building an online store for online ordering of scrapbooks.
  • Hiring staff to work different chores around the store such as cleaning, organizing, helping customers, handling reception, and making deliveries.


Every business requires a specific skill set to make it run or eventually make it successful. Skillset may differ from one business to another but every skill counts. Some of the skills that can be useful in the following business include,

  • Management skills assist in better management of various tasks. Being a businessman is never easy and you have to carry a bundle of responsibilities to make it work. Managing and making sure every task is taken care of is crucial.
  • Financial knowledge makes you independent of hiring any extra help to deal with finances. Every business requires the involvement of finances but while starting, finances play a major role, so it is important to manage them.
  • Leadership quality allows you to manage your team in the most effective and efficient manner. Exceptional leadership skills can lead to maximum productivity from the team.
  • It is important to provide a stress-free environment to the employees so that they can work freely and put their maximum efforts to make the business successful.
  • Knowledge of technology is important for maintaining an online store. It requires answering queries from customers around the world, taking orders efficiently to avoid mistakes, dispatching products immediately to avoid delays, following orders to make sure that they have reached the hands of customers, and collecting payments.
  • Dealing with customers nicely to increase the overall sales.


Scrapbook business proposal
