Business Partnership Proposal Letter

A partnership is a strategic move for the Companies or individuals who want to expand, need investment or dilute the ownership for various reasons. When a company seeks a partner in its business, it first needs to entice the partner company to join in. For this purpose, a business partnership proposal is prepared and presented to the potential partner to attract it to the partnership.

A business partnership proposal is a document in which the company markets itself and provides all the relevant details and information to the potential partner as well as convinces him about the associated benefits it can attain by forming a partnership with the company. If the proposal is appealing enough, the partner would join in.

On the other hand, if the other company does not expect higher gains from the partnership, it may simply reject the proposal which would result in searching for a new partner by the company.

When the business partnership proposals are being designed, the purpose and type of partnership are to be considered as these factors affect the details that need to be included as well as influence the way the company is being projected and promoted. The main types could be:

  • Sleeping partner- only investment and not involved in day-to-day operations of the business.
  • Managing partner- may or may not invest but is involved in business activities.
  • Sponsorships- sponsorship for some event, etc. to attain promotion of its own company. Usually, it does not entail involvement in business practices and the benefits may be monetary and/or non-monetary in nature. The company is just partnering with the other company for its products, campaigns, events, etc.

Therefore, the type of partnership the company is seeking would tilt the focus of the proposal toward the information which would attract the potential partner the most. For instance, if the partnership type sought is a sponsorship, the proposal might mainly highlight the promotional benefits the partner would attain by joining in with the company.

In addition, the format used for the business partnership proposals could also vary from company to company as well as the type of partnership under consideration. However, the basic information is included in the following:

  • Details of the company.
  • Details of the potential partner.
  • Introduction
  • Company profile.
  • Reason for partnership.
  • Required investment and type of partnership.
  • Benefits and persuasion.
  • Terms and conditions.

A business partnership proposal needs to be professionally devised so that the chances of its approval and partnership are increased. Otherwise, it results in a waste of time and effort, and in case of rejection, the company needs to propose to another potential partner which requires additional time.

Therefore, it is better to develop a business understanding with the potential partner that will most likely accept the proposal and modify the proposal as per the requirements of that partner to an extent that is practical and beneficial to the company. In this way, both partners can gain maximum benefits from the partnership.

Business partnership proposal Template

This proposal has been created by Company A and is being presented to Company B. Company A would like to work together with Company B in order to provide better products/services to our customers.

Our Company

[Name of Organization] is an organization that provides products/services related to [Product/service category]. Our business was established [Number] of years ago. With the aim to provide our customers/clients with the best products/services available, [Name of Organization] is has been working rigorously to achieve the best results.

Services offered

Our products/services have been carefully designed by our workforce, with the customer’s comfort in mind. The most demanded product/service of our business is [Name of product/service]. As this product/service is used on a regular basis, therefore it is our duty to ensure that our customers remain satisfied.

Similarly, we have a [Name of product/service] that has been designed to allow the customer to carry it around with them. This gives them easy access to the product/service everywhere, at any time of the day. Furthermore, we have a variety of other products/services that have been designed to help our customers in their time of need.

Distinguishable Qualities

The products/services provided by us, have been thoroughly planned according to the market audience. Through this planning, we are able to make ourselves more accessible to a wider range of customers. Compared to other similar organizations, we are manufacturing our products/providing services on a larger scale. This is because we would like to offer our products/services to all kinds of groups present in the market. In addition, our products/services are created for all genders to use.


We guarantee our partner the following benefits:

  • Half of the market share
  • 50% of the business profits acquired
  • Experience of the joint venture

Our organization is drawn by the operations system of Company [B] therefore, Company A would like to work with them.


Format: MS Word 2007/2010 [.doc & .docx]

