Auto Parts Sales Proposal

[ABC] is an auto repair service shop that also deals in auto parts for different types of automobiles. I am an engineer by qualification but due to some financial crisis, I had to find a job and it was difficult due to lack of experience. I learned the work of mechanic and started working at ABC shop. We provide repair and wash services at the shop and home via an online booking system.

Car wash services are provided at the shop only as it requires heavy machinery for lifting the car. I also have experience in buying and selling auto parts as I purchased different parts for shops from various places. There are many replicas of the original parts so it is important to differentiate carefully otherwise it will lead to a loss in the business.

After working for 8 years in a field, I never wanted to join, I want to set up my own business of auto parts. I have experience and expertise in the field, and I will be able to use my education productively. I want to set up a store that deals in auto parts only to facilitate customers. I am attaching the proposal with the following letter to seek your approval.

[Writer Name]

A mechanic at ABC Shop


Auto parts are the spare parts of automobiles that are used when original parts are worn out or cannot function properly. These auto parts are manufactured by companies that make automobiles to facilitate their customers in case of any mishap. If any part of the automotive fails due to an accident or any other incident, instead of replacing the automobile, its non-functional parts are replaced with functional parts. There are hundreds of companies manufacturing automotive thus, auto parts of all those companies are also made.

Auto parts store owners purchase the parts of different companies and provide them to needy customers. These stores facilitate in a manner that you do not have to worry if you want to buy parts of any company as they all are provided under one roof.  These auto parts stores in direct contact with different Auto repair service shops as they have many customers. Auto part stores make agreements with the repair shop to use their parts and auto parts store directs their customers to the committed repair shop and thus both are mutually benefitted.

I want to set up a store that houses all the auto parts of companies whose automobiles are mostly used in the city. In addition to a physical store, I would also provide an online booking system to further enhance my sale. Online bookings are more beneficial as compared to physical stores because these online websites have far better reach and are viewed by millions.


I have few objectives. Luckily, I have education and experience that will guide me in every direction. This task has been structured into the following plan,

  • Renting a place to set up the store and start work.
  • Renovation and restoration of the place to give it the desired outlook.
  • Setting up an office space for closing deals and handling official matters.
  • Purchasing high-quality auto parts from various companies to broaden my work spectrum.
  • Making commitments with service and repair shops for using auto parts of my store and recommending them to customers.
  • Hiring staff for different chores around the store such as cleaning, managing, organizing, handling customers, and delivering.

Keys to success

Not every setup can be successful because there are no hard and fast rules for achieving success. It requires constant dedication, hard work, and the ability to control work pressure. Some of the key steps that can lead the way to success include,

  • Never compromise on providing high-quality material to customers
  • Always listen to the requirements of the customers and then provide them with options.
  • Always be fair in your dealings and never indulge in unfair business.
  • Treat your customers nicely so that they would choose to come to you again.
  • Never do any sort of fraud to earn some extra cash.


Every setup requires a skillset to keep it running or even better, make it successful. Business is a very huge responsibility and can be taken care of with some skills that allow you to handle this responsibility,

  • Management skills can be very useful while handling a business as they allow you to manage multiple tasks at once. Every task is important and needs to be delivered on time, but work pressure can be very daunting therefore, managing work is necessary.
  • Every setup requires finances at every stage of its progress. Every deal of buying or selling is based on money therefore, it is crucial to have a basic understanding of finances as it makes you independent of hiring someone to manage them for you. Financial knowledge allows you to manage your budget and maintain your finances.
  • Leadership quality is crucial as it allows you to manage your team to work their best. It allows you to delegate your work efficiently to your team and increase the productivity of your employees.
  • Communication skills are very important in every business as they help you in better communication with customers. Gaining the loyalty of customers is not easy but once it has been achieved, it can be very useful.


